- Something to Crow About!*
- Algo bueno de lo que hablar!*
Hackett London, home of Essential British Kit and Little Britons clothing collection.
Calle de Jorge Juan, 7. Barrio de Salamanca. Metro Serrano. Madrid.
7, Jorge Juan St. Salamanca neighbourhood. Serrano tube station. Madrid.
Tel: +34 91 435 08 30
/ 5 de Enero, 2012. 15,45 hs.
January 5th, 2012. 15,45 hs. /
· Algo bueno - ej, de lo que hablar. Contrasta con "nothing to crow about".
· Something good - i.e. worth talking about. Contrast with "nothing to crow about".
- To crow over or about something → to boast → alardear, jactarse de algo, felicitarse por algo.
- Nothing to crow about → no haber motivo para sentirse satisfecho.